Thursday, September 29, 2005

SeaMonkey 1.0 Alpha (Mozilla Suite)

I downloaded the SeaMonkey 1.0 Alpha released by the SeaMonkey Community last week formerly known as Mozilla Application Suite yesterday which is almost 12mb and installed without a problem. It has been almost two years since I stop using it because of Firefox. It is based on Gecko 1.8 engine which to used by the upcoming Firefox 1.5. It's stable even it is alpha and I have not encountered any crash. Let see....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DVD Format War - Blu-Ray and HD-DVD

Today, Intel and Microsoft backed the HD-DVD format by Toshiba in the battle over a standard to succeed DVD. This basically means that they will back the format, at the expense of the Sony lead Blu-ray rival. Other HD DVD supporters include NEC and Sanyo. The companies cited reasons such as low-cost manufacturing, future proof compatibility and superior capacity and interactivity as the reason for their move. HD-DVD is set to go head-to-head with Sony's Blu-ray in a replay of the rivalry a generation ago between VHS and Sony's ill-fated Betamax.
Supporters of the Blu-ray technology include Apple Computer, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Samsung Electronics. Among Hollywood studios, Walt Disney and Sony Pictures Entertainment back Blu-ray, while HD DVD supporters include Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures and Warner Brothers Studios.
So, its another format war, where customers are the losers...
Update: Paramount Home Entertainment is the latest company to back the Blu-ray Disc format as the next-generation DVD standard.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Software Updates

It has been 3 days since I started using nightly Deer Park Alpha 2 (Firefox 1.5 Beta 1) and one of features I liked is the Software update. I don"t have to download everyday the whole firefox just click the check for updates and it will install only the latest nightly

Friday, September 23, 2005

Firefox Deer Park Alpha 2

Today I started using nightly Deer Park Alpha 2(Firefox 1.5 Beta 1) so far so good, no problem encountered. Problem is I cannot use my favorite theme Longone theme by Lynhknot. I also download
Opera 8.5 but still come back to Firefox. I am an avid Firefox fan.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rust 1.85.0 released!

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.85.0. Enjoy...