Saturday, January 26, 2008

Linux 2.6.24 Released

Linus Torvalds has released Linux 2.6.24. Enjoy...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

W3C Publishes HTML 5 Draft

Future of Web Content
W3C today published an early draft of HTML 5, a major revision of the markup language for the Web. The HTML Working Group is creating HTML 5 to be the open, royalty-free specification for rich Web content and Web applications. [Link]

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring Alpha 2 Released

The second alpha, codenamed "Neottia", for Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring (2008.1) is now available. Happy testing...

Ubuntu Hardy Heron Alpha 3 Released

Ubuntu Hardy Heron Alpha 3 is now available. It is the third alpha release of Ubuntu 8.04, and with this new alpha release comes a whole host of excellent new features. Happy testing...

KDE 4.0 Released

KDE Project Ships Fourth Major Version of cutting edge Free Software Desktop
The KDE Community is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of KDE 4.0. This significant release marks both the end of the long and intensive development cycle leading up to KDE 4.0 and the beginning of the KDE 4 era. [Link]

Rust 1.85.0 released!

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.85.0. Enjoy...